Athens Manufacturing Company Minutes


Athens Manufacturing Company Minutes
The Athens Manufacturing Company Minute Book, 1835 - 1904. The company is also known as the Athens Factory.
Item sets
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Items with "Bibliographic Citation: Athens Manufacturing Company Minutes"
Title Class
Athens Manufacturing Company Agent Class
Bob Agent
Cuffee Agent
Dinah Agent
Ezekiel Agent
Thomas Washington Baxter Agent
Items with "Source: Athens Manufacturing Company Minutes"
Title Class
1836-06-16, Bob, Male, Mention Event
1836-06-16, Dinah, Female, Mention Event
1836-06-16, Ezekiel, Male, Mention Event
1844-02-16, Cuffee, Male, Freedom Status Transaction (Sale) Event
1844-02-16, Ezekiel, Male, Freedom Status Transaction (Sale) Event
1849-07-28, Unnamed, Mention Event